I am currently a Ph.D. student at the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University, advised by Christopher Amato. Previously, I got my Master’s in Computer Science and Data Science from Columbia University, where I worked with Sharon Di. I completed my undergraduate at Sun Yat-sen University.
My research lies in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning, specifically: (1) to advance theory and methods for decentralized decision-making in partially observable domains, and (2) to develop game-theoretic frameworks for multi-agent planning in societal-scale systems.
Shuo Liu, Xu Chen, Sharon Di,
in Mathematics, 2024.
Xu Chen, Shuo Liu, Sharon Di,
in 22nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.
Shuo Liu*, Yunhao Wang*, Xu Chen, Yongjie Fu, Sharon Di,
in 25th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems.